“If you will call your troubles experiences, and remember that every experience develops some latent force within you, you will grow vigorous and happy, however adverse your circumstances may seem to be.”
— John Heywood, Playwright
「如果你把麻煩當作經驗,並記得每個經驗都會發展為你內在的潛伏力量,你將變得精力充沛且快樂,不管環境看來多麼的不順。」– 約翰.海伍德 (劇作家)
- latent (adj.) 潛伏的,潛在的。例:The virus remains latent in the body for years. (病毒潛伏在體內多年。) vigorous (adj.) 有力的,意志堅強的。例:a vigorous campaign to oppose gay marriage (積極反對同性婚姻的運動)。adverse (adj.) 逆向的,不利的。例:falling exports’ adverse impact on the economy (出口下滑對經濟的負面影響)。
- 約翰.海伍德 (1497-1580) 是文藝復興時期的英國作家,作品包括詩、戲劇及名言錄,其中以戲劇最為人知,他也是為音樂家,能作曲並在宮廷內表演歌唱和演奏維金納琴。