“Life is a series of experiences, each one of which makes us bigger, even though sometimes it is hard to realize this. For the world was built to develop character, and we must learn that the setbacks and grieves which we endure help us in our marching onward.”
— Henry Ford, Industrialist
「人生是一連串的經驗,每個經驗都讓我們進步,即使有時候這不容易理解。這個世界是為了陶冶性格而存在,我們必須了解,我們所忍受的挫折及悲痛,都幫助我們向前邁進。」– 亨利‧福特 (工業家)
- setback (n.) 挫折,阻礙發展的事物。例:The ruling party had a major setback in the national election. (執政黨在全國大選遭遇重大挫敗。) grieve (v.) 悲痛,哀悼(尤指所愛之人過世)。例:She grieved the loss of her husband. (她為丈夫的死哀悼哀悼。) endure (v.) 忍受。
- 亨利‧福特 (1863-1947) 是美國工業家、福特汽車公司的創立者,運用「大量生產」概念在工廠的生產組裝線上,大幅降低生產成本及產品價格。福特汽車革命性的改變了美國的交通及工業。